EM for blandet lag - Kvinner


The European Mixed Team Badminton Championships is a tournament organized by the Badminton Europe (BE), held once every two years to crown the best badminton mixed national team in Europe.

It was played just before the European Badminton Championships, the individual competition, in the same venue. However, the European team tournament was split from the European individual event for the first time in 2009.

During the tournament, each tie comprises five matches: men and women's singles, men and women's doubles, and mixed doubles.

EM for blandet lag - Kvinner er et badmintonturnering for kvinnelige lag fra hele Europa. Turneringen arrangeres hvert år, og i 2023 vil den bli avholdt i Milano, Italia. De beste lagene fra hele Europa vil konkurrere om tittelen som europamester. Norge vil også delta i turneringen, og laget vil bestå av noen av de beste badmintonspillerne i landet.